Knitting Shawl and Hat for Alpaca Toy


I was criticized for not writing about Kikiki in my articles and so I seem to have no choice then change that.

But I don’t neglect Kikiki otherwise, because it got a knit shawl and hat a while back! I used some leftover yarn from my grandmother and played a little until I figured out a color combination I liked.

I knitted the shawl in a single rib pattern, alternating two colors. I finished the edge with a fringe. The hat is knitted in a double rib, again, alternating the colors every few rows. I decreased the number of stitches towards the tip of the hat and topped it with a pompom.

And that’s really all there is to it I’m afraid, so enjoy the pictures of Kikiki prepared for winter!

Komentáre k článku

17.Feb 2021 13:09
Neviem, ci jeich majestatnu kikikatost neuraza, ze ju niekto oznacuje za "Toy"
Akrim ♀
04.Apr 2021 08:26
Keby sa to volalo iba "for Alpaca", tak by to mohlo byť dosť zavádzajúce :D
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